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Heavy Duty All-Stainless Steel Plate Coolers yield energy savings and ensure the highest quality milk. Use of the proper size plate cooler can lower milk temperatures to within 7 degrees of coolant temperature. This extends the life of the bulk tank compressor and prevents mixing of warm and cool milk, thus improving the milk quality in the bulk tank.

Coolers feature solid sanitary stainless steel end plates, cooling plates and bolts. Fluted edges on the plates guarantee tight fit, perfect alignment and protection from leaks. Nitrile rubber gaskets are resistant to oil and fats. Installed between the receiver and the bulk tank, with the milk inlet and outlet on opposite sides for easier in-line placement, Plate Coolers are designed to be cleaned in place or easily disassembled for additional cleaning. After installation, Plate Coolers may be customized with additional cooling plates to increase capacity.

15mm thick end plates and cooling plates made of type 304 stainless steel. Milk connections are 1.5" ferruled and water connections are 1" NPT. Measures 26" high by 8" wide and weighs 89 lbs with 31 plates. Cooler processes 502 gallons of milk per hour. Includes heavy duty mounting bracket for leveling and placing the unit at the correct height for the milk and water lines.